
Hier findest Du die Liste der Teams und ihrer Aufgaben. Wenn Du weitere Fragen hast, schaue in den FAQ nach.

Allround Critter

As an Allround Critter, you'll take on various tasks across different departments, giving you the chance to experience different aspects of Eurofurence. You'll be essential in keeping everything running smoothly. If you're eager to jump in and make a difference where it’s needed most, the Allround Critter role is perfect for you!

Art Show: Director

Art Show: Staff

Awareness & Inclusion

Awareness & Incluion, our task is to ensure that everyone experiences a wonderful con! :3

Contact: Sam/Mel - Telegram @Sam_Mel Mstr f Dstrctn - Telegram @Mstr_f_Dstrctn

Charity: Staff

Convention Store: Director

Oversees the operations and management of the convention store.

Dealers' Den: Director

Manages the overall organization and operation of the Dealers' Den and the Artist Alley, coordinating with artists, dealers and ensuring a smooth experience for attendees.

Dealers' Den: Staff

Dealers' Den

Supports the setup, maintenance, and daily operation of the Dealers' Den and the Artist Alley, assisting artists and dealers as well as ensuring the area runs efficiently for all participants. Contact for Dealers' Den: @Pattarchus |

Eurofurence Convention Store

The team also assists in the daily operations of the Eurofurence Convention Store inside of the Dealers' Den, providing customer service, managing inventory, and supporting sales. Contact for EF Convention Store: @Vulniir |

Fursuit support: Staff

Fursuit support

Logistics: Director

Logistics: Staff

Stage: Assistant

Everyone who is willing to help and e.g. to move some chairs is welcome.

If you have questions regarding this role, please get in touch with using the contact via Email.

Stage: Hand

Stage hands are the bedrock of the stage team. Every lighting fixture, every speaker and microphone is only there because a hand moved it. This position is essential during setup and breakdown. The actual tasks are different in each show.

If you want to volunteer in this Crittertype, you must attend at one Stage Safety Briefing.

If you have questions regarding this role, please get in touch with using the contact via Telegram.

CAUTION: Please do NOT use the leave function to leave the Crittertype group. If you leave, you will have to attend again at a safety briefing.

Stage: Hand with PPE

Stage hands are the bedrock of the stage team. Every lighting fixture, every speaker and microphone is only there because a hand moved it. This position is essential during setup and breakdown. They also supervise the Stage Assistants. The actual tasks are different in each show.

If you want to volunteer in this Crittertype, you should bring your own PPE with you. PPE includes safety shoes and protective gloves. The safety shoes should correspond to class S3 or S7. Also the participation at a Safety Briefing is required.

If you have questions regarding this role, please get in touch with using the contact via Email.

CAUTION: Please do NOT use the leave function to leave the Crittergroup. If you leave, you will have to attend again at a safety briefing.

Stage: Manager

Internal Role for Stage only.